lame nyeeee xupdate blog
bz btul ni ngalahkan YB lak
terus update psl holiday je la ek
since me + hubby to be super duper bz lately
we decided nk g holiday release tension
weall pg
plus kami mmg nk crk brg2 hantaran sekali
2 hari kami kt sane
tp return to JB la stay kt JB
but sadly
its raining the whole day
overall mmg enjoy
layan pics je k
*warning..mmg byk pics! :)
kami gune map je..xde duit nk bli GPS..
but seriously it was fun!
*of cos ade gado2 crk jln :)*
first stop for sure nk g ORCHARD ROAD!
we spent 1 hour just nk crk parking je :(
happy dpt parking!haha :)
but tgh dok tgk2 nk g mne dlu..tetibe ujan lebat!!
hujan?xkisah lg dah..weall redah je..hahahaha
1mall after 1 mall kami pg
n of cos la kene snap2..hahaaha..
since pg ber2 je..trpakse la bt muke tembok mntk tlg org2 yg pass by..
mase snap pic ni mmg tgh hujan!tgk rambut ku sudah :(
see?nmpk x hujan?
*double nangis :( :(
satu bestnye g jalan2 ngn tunang saye ni..die ni suke btul amik gmbo..
byk lg pics..tp cm malas lak nk upload..
most of the barang2 hantaran da setel..
even though penat..tp worth it..
thanks to my comfy fit flop! :)
hopefully sumenye berjalan lancar mngikut planning