hye peeps
quite lame gak xupdate blog ek
huhu..bz lately..
mne yg keje ngn wedd preparation lg
hurm..entry ths time nk cite psl
my early
haha..its from my no other then
my super crazy n the besttttttttttttt sister in the world!!!
ritu die kol..
her: adik..fitflop ade sale!! jom bli 2nd pair!
me:ala..ritu nye bru beli..nk beli lg?nk simpan duit ni nk g sgapore..
her:ala..ritu kaler lain..kate ritu nk yg itam?
me:ala..xmo la angh beli la
her:ha ok then..dont be jeles nati k..
so last weeken die blk
for sure wearing her new FITFLOP
her:adik!!see..jgn jeles ek!
me:xmo tengok!
then mase dinner malam tu angh ckp
her:adik this year xde present ek?wedd pon byk da angh sponsor
me:ok je xde hal :)
skali mase angh da nk blk kl..mase salam2..
die kuarkn another box of FITFLOP
me:wat?u bought 2 pairs?
her:yela..1 for u
her:yela..mne bole xde present tok my only sister..
me:*terharu*nangis jap
so..korang ade x kakak best cm saye
serious die mmg best..watever die bli sure saye ade 1 n mama pon ade 1
kalo x pon die akn bli bru n yg lame die pass to me
btw angh saye ni perfume freak
every month sure bli 1
n yg ade lg yg tggl half for sure
she'll pass to me
btw sape yg rapat ngn saye sure tau yg angh saye ni
erk.......kdg2 mmg menyampah gile ngn die!
but yet she's still my only sister
n i love her to death!!
thanks angh!
heart u!
btw for those yg xtau FITFLOP tu ape
tgk kt sini
its very comfy sandal
sure its expensive sikit
but its really worth it
mama yg sakit kaki tu pon
pki fitflop ni leh jalan the whole day!!
btw xsmpat lg nk snap pic
pic googled dlu
mmg nk yg itam
leh suit ngn sume kaler
till then peeps!
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